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Brescia House School

The Catholic Christian ethos of Brescia House Ursuline Convent School depends basically and entirely on its foundation of faith in Christ, his teaching and salvation.


Brescia House School Admission Details

  • Brescia House School is an independent Girls Catholic school, which serves the Catholic community but welcomes children of any denomination.

Admission to the school is weighted by whether the prospective learner:

  • Is a Catholic
  • has a sibling in the school
  • is the daughter of a past pupil
  • belongs to a previously disadvantaged group
  • the date of application

The School’s data programme automatically weights applications according to these criteria.

The school accepts no more than:

  • 24 learners into each grade R class (total 72 learners)
  • 26 learners in all other classes (total of 78 learners per grade)
  • In emergencies or to accommodate the sibling of another learner a 27th pupil may be accepted into a class.

The statistical age norm per grade is the grade number plus 6, e.g. Grade 0 6; Grade1 7; Grade 2 8; Grade 3 9; Grade 4 10; Grade 5 11; Grade 6 12; Grade7 13; Grade 8 14; Grade 9 15; Grade 10 16; Grade 11 17; Grade 12 18. A learner will generally be accepted into grade R in the year, in which she turns 6.

Admissions policies, regulations and provisions are determined by the Board of Governors in conjunction with the Heads of the primary and secondary schools.

Generally, enquiries, school visits, tours and admissions are handled by the school’s Admissions and Marketing Department.  He/she consults the relevant Head for placement.

Grade 8 admissions involve an academic entrance exam, and an interview with the High School Head.  All other applicants for the other grades are interviewed by the phase and assessed

Successful applicants for places in grade R and grade 8 are contacted by email prior to the starting date.  Offers made must be accepted in writing. 

The application procedure is as follows:

  • A non-refundable amount of R500 application fee is payable when application is made. Applications are to include the details and consent of both parents of the child. In any other legal instance, proof of parental or guardian authority will need to be provided. If your initial application is older than 1 year, please re-submit (at no additional cost) if any details have changed. The admission process includes a fee clearance check with the applicant’s previous school and the parents’ credit check if consent is signed by both parents. Non-resident parent acceptance will be based on individual circumstances as discussed and agreed during the initial interview. To find out how you can apply or if you have any queries please contact our admission team  [email protected]
  • Upon acceptance of a pupil, the parent is required to pay an advance, non-refundable Acceptance Fee to secure a placeThe fee is dependent on the grade enrolled and is payable according to the schedule below and as per the due payment date stipulated in the Letter of Offer:
          Grade R         R 27 620
          Grade 1         R 28 640
          Grade 2         R 26 500
          Grade 3         R 22 200
          Grade 4 – 7         R 17 900
          Grade 8         R 31 100
          Grade 9         R 24 340
          Grade 10         R 18 920
          Grade 11         R 12 485
          Grade 12         R   5 940

Banking details are as follows:


Account Holder   :   Brescia House School
Bank                    :   Standard Bank
Branch                 :   006605 Hyde Park
Account Number :   610175742
Reference            Your daughter’s surname, initial, grade and year of entry
Proof of payment:   E-mail: [email protected] 

The following documents are required on an application:

  • Birth certificate (a baptismal certificate is not valid)
  • Baptismal certificate (only if Catholic)
  • Immunisation card (Primary School)
  • Most recent school report (where applicable)
  • Transfer card (where applicable) on admission
  • Any learner who enters the country on a study permit must present the study permit to the school on registration
  • Non-citizens/illegal aliens must show evidence that they have applied to the Department of Home Affairs to legalise their stay in the country.  If they cannot do so, the School will advise them to acquire the necessary documentation. The learner will be temporarily admitted to the school.
  • Parent ID Document or Passport copies
  • Proof of payment for the application fee

All teaching and learning in Grades 4-12 proceeds on the expectation that ICT is fully integrated into classroom and homework activities.  In order to ensure the best IT support and network security, only recommended laptops, purchased through the school, are connected to the school’s IT systems and all new student are expected to purchase laptops from the school.  The laptop price and models vary, and the costing of various options is emailed to the parents. For more details please contact Accounts Reception on [email protected]

The following regulations apply to foreign learners in South Africa:

  • All foreign learners enrolled in a school must be in possession of a study permit for the specific school at which they are enrolled.
  • Prospective foreign learners must submit an application to the authorities according to the regulations and await the outcome of this application (get passport endorsed with study permit) before the learner will be allowed to be enrolled and attend classes.
  • The study permit is issued for the learner to attend a specific school for a specific period. The school is required to ensure that the learner’s permit is valid during the entire time the learner attends the school.
  • The school is required to notify the authorities of the departure of any foreign student from the school.

A letter from the school confirming the following must accompany the application:

  • Confirmation that the learner has applied to be enrolled at the school and an indication of the grade in which she will be placed.
  • Assurance that the foreign learner is not depriving a local learner of a place.
  • Proof that the school fees have been paid or an arrangement for the payment of fees has been made.
  • A written undertaking that the school will inform the Department of Home Affairs when the learner leaves the school.

To comply with these regulations for foreign learners, the school requires the following documents:

  • A certified copy of the learner’s birth certificate.
  • A certified copy of the learner’s passport.
  • A certified copy of the parents’ or guardians’ passport.
  • Proof that the learner is supported financially for the duration of her studies in South Africa.
  • Proof of medical cover with a medical scheme that offers medical cover in South Africa.
  • Copy of medical report (BI-811).
  • Copy of radiological report (BI-806) – children over 12 years of age.
  • If the learner is living with a guardian, a letter from the biological parents confirming the arrangement and a letter from the guardians accepting guardianship over the learner

Brescia House School Contact Details

Postal Address
PO Box 67019, Bryanston 2021
South Africa

Main Entrance
14 Sloane Street, Bryanston

Pytchley Carpark
7 Pytchley Road, Bryanston

Grade R Carpark
7 Pytchley Road, Bryanston

-26.045496, 28.015606

School Switchboad:
+27 (0)11 706 7404