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CUT Electrical Engineering

CUT Electrical Engineering, detailed information about the electrical engineering in the CUT is provided below.


Engineering: Electrical


CampusDuration of ProgrammeEnrolment Option(s)SAQA CreditsNQF Level
Bloemfontein Campus1 year full-time or 2 years part-timeSemester 1 and 21207
Additional Admission RequirementsFor candidates who matriculated in 2007 or before:Appropriate M+3 qualification.For candidates who completed the NSC in 2008 and thereafter:National Diploma: Electrical Engineering with the appropriate instructional offerings.
Career Opportunities(Computer Systems & Light Current)The advances made in electronics over the past few decades have been phenomenal, and therefore any person holding this qualification must always be prepared to keep abreast of the latest developments. The study of electronics includes telecommunications, radio and television, radar, computers, electronic control systems and industrial electronic systems, especially computer-supported equipment. Qualified persons will also be involved in the development, building and maintenance of new equipment. Companies such as the SABC, Sentech, Eskom and Telkom, the mining industry, industrial plants such as Sasol and Columbus Steel, and research institutions are but a few possible employers. A person holding this qualification could also establish his/her own business.(Heavy Current)The generation, distribution and utilisation of electrical power are of the utmost importance in our country. A technologist who has qualified in this field will be concerned with the planning, production, installation and maintenance of a wide variety of heavy electrical equipment. He/she will occupy a responsible position in the community and enjoy a high level of job satisfaction. Employment is available at Eskom, PRASA, Transnet Freight Rail, Columbus Steel, suppliers of electrical equipment, mining companies, municipalities and research institutions. A person holding this qualification could also establish his/her own business.
REN41AIREN42AIComputer Networks IV
DBP41AIDBP42AIDatabase Programming IV
EDG41AIEDG42AIDigital Signal Processing IV
EMJ41AIEMJ42AIElectrical Machines IV
EBE41AIEBE42AIElectrical Protection IV
EKS41AIEKS42AIElectronic Communication Systems IV
EKM41AIEKM42AIElectronic Communication IV
ELE41AIELE42AIElectronics IV
EIW41AIEIW42AIEngineering Mathematics IV
EHV41AIEHV42AIHigh-voltage Engineering IV
EMO41AIEMO42AIMicrosystems Design IV
EMI41AIEMI42AIMicrocontroller Systems IV
EPE41AIEPE42AIPower Electronics IV
EPS41AIEPS42AIPower Systems IV
EBT41AIEBT42AIProtection Technology IV
PIG41AIPIG42AISoftware Engineering IV
SFS41AISFS42AISoftware Systems IV
EIP40AI*Industrial Project IV  (Light Current)
EIP40HI*Industrial Project IV  (Heavy Current)

For more information contact: Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering

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