UNISA Short Course in Pension Funds Law
University of South Africa Short Course in Pension Funds Law
This short learning programme aims to provide an advanced knowledge of the legal principles relating to pension funds, and to update participants on the development in South African pension fund law development. It is directed at legal advisers, trade union officials, governments officials, trustees, and legal practitioners specializing in this field.
Legal advisers, trade union officials, government officials and legal practitioners specialising in pension funds
B-Degree or substantial relevant practical experience in a legal or related environment (such as practitioners specialising in pension funds law)
Six months
January to April
Registration closes on 07 April late registrations will be accepted until 30 April
UNISA open distance learning
Formative assessment and examination admission will comply with UNISA’s formative assessment rules and policies
Formative assessment:
Assignments and attendance of a seminar
Summative assessment:
Take-home examination
- Incorporation and registration of pension funds
- Administration (organs and officials; powers of boards; amalgamations and transfers; investment of funds)
- The registrar of pension funds
- Benefits
- Surplus apportionments
- Compliance
- The Pension Funds Adjudicator
- Voluntary dissolution
- Pension fund trustees
Prof M Sigwadi BProc (Venda) LLB LLM (UP) LLM (Harvard)
Discipline expertise: Corporate Law, Pension Funds Law
Centre for Business Law
Office 6-96, Cas van Vuuren Building, UNISA
Tel: 012 429 8427
Fax: 012 429 3343
E-mail: [email protected]
Ms P Mofokeng & Mr J Skhosana
Centre for Business Law
Office 6-157, Cas van Vuuren Building, UNISA
Tel: 012 429 8774 / 4348
Email: [email protected]