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UNISA Short Course in Business Psychology and Human Behaviour

UNISA Short Course in Business Psychology and Human Behaviour

University of South Africa Short Course in Business Psychology and Human Behaviour

Short Course in Business Psychology and Human Behaviour (70475)



To provide students with the basic knowledge, skills and competence to effectively understand and manage their own behaviour and their relationships at work with the aim of enhancing their teamship and people management. The purpose of the course is therefore to provide qualifiers with the basic knowledge, skills, applied competence and the necessary values and attitudes in the field of business psychology and human behaviour as a catalyst for continued personal growth, enhanced satisfying interpersonal work relationships, optimal career satisfaction and growth. A further purpose of the course is to provide the South African business world with employees competent in the application of psychological principles and behavioural dynamics to ensure optimal and effective team playing and people management in the pursuit of business objectives.

Target group

Employees or people entering the labour market keen to know more about human interaction in the world of work

Admission requirements

Senior Certificate or an equivalent NQF level 4 qualification


Six months

Language medium


Registration periods

1st semester January and 2nd semester June


Tuition method

UNISA open distance learning combined with a text book, tutorial letters, learning experiences in the form of self-assessment activities and assessments (formative and summative) activities with a non-compulsory two and a half day workshop will be held in Pretoria every semester

Kind of assessment

Formative assessment and examination admission will comply with UNISA’s formative assessment rules and policies
Formative assessment:
Two voluntary assignments
Summative assessment:
A write a two-hour examination and obtain at least 50% in the examination paper to pass

Business Psychology and Human Behaviour (BPHB02L)
Syllabus/Content Topics
  • Basics of business psychology and human behaviour
  • Dealing with individuals
  • Dealing with small groups and the organisation
  • Realising your potential


Course leader

Prof A M Viviers DCom
Discipline expertise: Registered Industrial and Organisational Psychologist
Centre for Industrial and Organisational Psychology
Office 4-011, A J H van der Walt Building, UNISA
Tel: 012 429 8242
Fax: 012 429 8368

Programme administrator(s)

Ms M J Maphalla
Centre for Industrial and Organisational Psychology
Office: 03-102, A J H van der Walt Building, UNISA
Tel: 012 429 8548 / 8005
Fax: 012 429 8578