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UNISA Short Course in Basic Financial Life Skills

UNISA Short Course in Basic Financial Life Skills

University of South Africa Short Course in Basic Financial Life Skills

Short Course in Basic Financial Life Skills (7182X)



To educate students, individuals, parents, teachers, skills/HR trainers, brokers to be, employees, entrepreneurs and school leavers in basic personal financial life skills. This knowledge is a prerequisite for life, a career and entrepreneurship.

Target group

Adults interest in learning about basic financial life skills

Admission requirements

No admission requirements. Anybody can register


6 months

Language medium


Registration periods


Tuition method

Distance education by means of a study guide, tutorial letters and a prescribed book.

Kind of assessment

Formative assessment and examination admission will comply with UNISA’s formative assessment rules and policies
Formative assessment:
Summative assessment:


Basic Financial Skills (SBFS016)
Syllabus/Content Topics

The module shows you how to:
●do your own personal financial planning
●draw up your own budget
●identify debt problems and plan your debt situation
●choose the best micro-loan from the best micro-lender
●budget to purchase a car
●evaluate and plan the purchase of a residence
●avoid investment pitfalls and how to choose the right investments
●protect your income and assets
●do timeous retirement planning in order to retire financially independent
●protect your job and how to start or buy a business
●make use of a bank, banking products and services

Course leader

Mr N J Swart
Discipline expertise: Personal Financial Management and Real Estate (the only Personal Financial Management lecturer in South Africa for the last 20 years); author of more than 50 books on Personal Financial Planning; the Academic Father of Financial Skills and Literacy Education and Training In South Africa and the World; South Africa’s Mr Personal Financial Management
Centre for Business Management
Office 3-113, A J H van der Walt Building, UNISA
Tel: 012 429 4651
Cell: 082 822 4419
Fax: 086 641 5404
E-mail: [email protected]

Programme administrator(s)

Tel: (012) 352 4288 / 4170 / 4317 / 4383
Fax: 012 429 4150
E-mail: [email protected]