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NWU Downloads

NWU Downloads

NWU Downloads,


Please note the following Usernames & Passwords prior to clicking the ” Video Resources ” button above
Theology Bth1 UnivPrep Nursing Education
Username: Bth1 Username: Univprep Username: Nursing Username: Education
Password: theology Password: Univprep Password: nwunursing Password: education
Theology Bth2 KZN EPP BSc IT Policing Practice
Username: Bth2 Username: KZNEPP Username: BScIT Username: PolicingPractice
Password: theology Password: kzneppnwu Password: bscit123 Password: policing
Theology Bth3
Username: Bth3
Password: theology

The NWU officially came into being on 1 January 2004 as part of the South African government’s plan to transform higher education. In our case, this saw a historically white university and a historically black university merging to create a new university where South Africans from all walks of life have come together.
The historically black university was the former University of North-West, whose students were mostly black people from rural communities. The historically white university was the Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, whose students were mostly white Afrikaans people from Christian backgrounds. A third party was the Sebokeng Campus of another mainly black university, Vista, whose staff and students were incorporated.