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Damelin College Supply Chain Management Diploma

Damelin College Supply Chain Management Diploma, Damelin is committed to academic excellence, and is an award-winning brand that has been in existence for over 70 years.
With 18 state of the art campuses ideally positioned in every major hub countrywide, including three in KwaZulu-Natal, nine in Gauteng, two in the Eastern Cape, two in the Western Cape and one in the Free State, the brand has earned its title of market leader for academic innovation in the minds of students and corporate businesses. Damelin specialises in a wide range of innovative and relevant higher and private college (FET institution) qualifications (degrees, diplomas, higher certificates, certificates and short and skills programmes).
Our approach to quality combines the concept of team commitment and a strong focus on each student. It is our goal to provide an educational experience of the highest calibre. In order to enhance our students’ experience, our campuses and sites are ideally positioned for accessibility and convenience. Our face-to-face students study in air-conditioned classrooms, have access to a fully equipped libraries, designated student recreational areas and ample parking. The campuses also feature fully equipped computer labs with internet.
Our staff, our community and our students remain our top priority. It is with this mission that we continue to pioneer a premier brand of distinction.


National Certificate: Supply Chain Management (Level 5)

Course fee

Price: R18,100.00
Please Note:
The special Payment in Full Web Price listed above is only valid if you complete the enrolment form on the Damelin Correspondence website and choose one of the Payment in Full options available to you.
Your Payment in Full options are:

  • Credit Card (you can use your budget facility)
  • Internet Banking Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
  • Direct Deposit (at any FNB Bank Branch)
  • Cheque, Postal Order (delivered or posted to one of our branches) or Cash (paid at one of our branches)

The Payment Plan option on our website does not qualify you for our special Web Only Prices.

Course Introduction

Successful students will gain the knowledge and skills that they require to manage supply chain processes and inter-relationships across the supply chain.

Course Contents

Module 1: The Basics of Supply Chain Management

  • Apply professional values and ethics in the operational environment
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the supply chain environment
  • Evaluate the influences of key components in a supply chain
  • Negotiate with suppliers

Module 2: Planning of Supply Chain Management

  • Analyse and apply management practices within the supply chain
  • Manage relationships between supply chain partners
  • Monitor, assess and manage risk
  • Analyse logistic systems and implement appropriate strategic plans

Module 3: Enactment of Supply Chain Management

  • Outline the philosophy of supply chain management
  • Establish a competitive supply chain infrastructure
  • Develop and implement supply chain performance management systems
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the key elements in developing strategies to optimise operational supply

Module 4: Operational Supply Chain Management

  • Manage logistic operations
  • Prepare products for transportation; manage the return of goods and warehousing
  • Design a distribution network
  • Conduct demand forecasting and develop supply and capacity plans to meet demand
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamentals of international trade and execute international purchases

Career Fields/Further Studies

This qualification provides you with the appropriate knowledge and skills required to pursue a career in the field of Supply Chain Management effectively. Please enquire at the nearest Damelin Correspondence College branch for the prospectus containing information with regard to further studies.



SAQA ID: 74149
NQF: Level 5
Credits: 157

Programme Type

The National Certificate: Supply Chain Management, NQF 5, SAQA ID 74149 is an accredited NQF programme with the TETA Seta.

Programme Duration

You should be able to complete this course within 18 months.

Entrance Requirements

In order to achieve the exit level outcomes of this qualification, students need the following knowledge and skills:

  • Mathematical Literacy at NQF Level 4
  • Communication at NQF Level 4
  • Computer Literacy and the ability to use databases and spreadsheets at NQF Level 3

Student Assessment

Formative and summative assessments will assess all specific outcomes and adhere to all assessment criteria of the learning programme. You have to be declared competent in the formative assessment before you are able to submit the summative assessment. Once you have successfully been declared competent in all four modules, you will be required to write and pass a Final Integrated Summative Exam to achieve the complete qualification.
All students are encouraged to work on all the assignments that are in the study guide. However, students are required to submit compulsory assignments that are provided in the Study Programme. Only these compulsory assignments will be marked and accounted for to be included in the final mark.


Upon successful completion of the programme and verification by the TETA SETA, you will receive a National Certificate: Supply Chain Management.


Short Programme in Procurement and Supply Chain Management

Part Time | Damelin Short Programme* | Short Programmes upgrade skills and knowledge to ensure success in a chosen field of learning, but are not credit bearing

Why this course is perfect for you?

The Short Programme in Procurement and Supply Management provides fundamental information on the principles, procedures, terminology, techniques and tools used in the field of purchasing and supply management. Current practices are examined, providing learners with up-to-date knowledge and skills to operate successfully in various enterprises.
The programme is aimed at equipping first-line managers with the knowledge and skills required to fulfil their management role within the supply chain by solving well-defined problems.

Careers you’d be great at

Learners could pursue any of the following career fields:

  • Procurement Administration
  • Procurement Management

How to get in?

  • Knowledge, comprehension and application of English and Mathematics at Grade 11 or equivalent
  • Relevant purchasing management experience would be an advantage

Time you will spend on the course

The programme duration is 52 hours and the tuition is face-to-face. Each Damelin campus has a different tuition schedule. Programmes are offered during the week, in the evenings, or on Saturdays.

Course content and modules

Planning your Procurement

  • Planning and preparing specifications
  • Buying the right quality and quantity
  • Making buying decisions

Sourcing the Right Suppliers

  • Selecting new suppliers
  • Tendering and negotiation

Buying and Paying for Supplies within the Law

  • Essential elements of a contract
  • Creating a contract and contract terms
  • Terms and conditions of purchase
  • Product liability
  • The law of agency
  • Methods of purchasing and ordering
  • Paying suppliers

Receiving and Coding Stock

  • Timing and scheduling deliveries
  • Paperwork and inspection
  • Procedure for receipt and inspection of goods
  • Stock coding systems
  • Storage and issue of stock
  • Documentation and issue procedures

Click here for quick access to the fact sheet for more info.

The strength in your qualification

On successful completion of the programme, the learner will receive the Damelin Short Programme in Procurement and Supply Chain Management Certificate