CPUT Foreshore Campus
CPUT Foreshore Campus,
Map Location of: CPUT,Foreshore
The Latitude of CPUT,Foreshore is: -33.9296784 and the Longitude is: 18.4303247
The location of CPUT,Foreshore can be found on the map below. You can also view directions to CPUT,Foreshore by entering the start and ending address using our Calculator above
Full-time staff
Name | Designation | Contact details |
Dr Hermie (Voulgarelis) Delport | Head Of Department of Departments of Architectural Technology and Interior Design | Tel: +27 21 440 2228 Email: [email protected] Foreshore Campus, 10th floor, room 10.21 |
Charlene Pietersen | Secretary | Tel: +27 21 440 2232 Email: [email protected] Foreshore Campus, 10th floor, room 10.27 |
Shamiela Saiet | Technician | Tel: +27 21 440 2225 Email: [email protected] Foreshore Campus, 10th floor, room 10.28 |
Randall Abrahams | Lab Assistant | Tel: +27 21 440 2220 Email: [email protected] Foreshore Campus, 10th floor, room 10.27 |
Niven Naidoo | Junior Lecturer | Tel: +27 21 440 2223 Email: [email protected] Foreshore Campus, 10th floor, room 10.26 |
Tasleema Mohamed | Junior Lecturer | Tel: +27 21 440 2222 Email: [email protected] Foreshore Campus, 10th floor, room 1023 |
Trevor Jacobs | Junior Lecturer | Tel: +27 21 440 2219 Email:[email protected] Foreshore Campus, 10th floor, room 10.14 |
Alex Noble | Lecturer | Tel: +27 21 440 2218 Email: [email protected] Foreshore Campus, 10th floor, room 10.8a |
Dr June Jordaan | Lecturer | Tel: +27 21 440 2231 Email: [email protected] Foreshore Campus, 10th floor, room 10.22 |
Michael Rodseth | Lecturer | Tel: +27 21 440 2238 Email: [email protected] Foreshore Campus, 10th floor, room 10.15 |
Jolanda Morkel | Senior Lecturer | Tel: +27 21 440 2231 Email: [email protected] Foreshore Campus, 10th floor, room 10.25 |
Mizan Rambhoros | Senior Lecturer | Tel: +27 21 440 2221 Email: [email protected] Foreshore Campus, 10th floor, room 10.17 |
Rudolf Perold | Senior Lecturer | Tel: +27 21 440 2236 Email: [email protected] Foreshore Campus, 10th floor, room 10.16 |