UP Short Courses
UP Short Courses, The Skills Development Act and the Skills Levies Act, and a number of other factors will compel South African companies into top training gear. Organisations increasingly face skills requirements from their staff in response to competitive pressures and rapid technological change.
Enterprises University of Pretoria’s Training Solutions offers complete solutions to these lifelong learning needs.
We strive to make the expertise of the University and its staff accessible to the public and the corporate environment via short courses, certificate programmes and similar offerings. The University of Pretoria accredits all courses.
Training Solutions provides a single point of integration and a service that can meet the needs of the Southern African market in a cost-effective and timely manner. View our course catalogue online at here or contact us at +27 (0)12 434 2500.
Business Management
Short Courses
Current short courses offered by the Department of Business Management
Business Management and Entrepreneurship Courses:
Turnaround Management and Business Rescue
General Management and Responsible Leadership Courses:
Supply Chain Management and Logistics Courses:
Project and Risk Management Courses:
Short Courses
Short Courses
Basic Mathematics: This course addresses typical problems experienced by first-year students and provides basic pre-knowledge and applications for all study programmes at UP that include mathematics modules. After successful completion of this course, candidates should have improved knowledge of mathematics for success in all study programmes at UP. Fore more information, click here.
Introductory Calculus and Linear Algebra: This course offers participants the opportunity and training to acquire the basic principles and methods of calculus and linear algebra and their applications to simple, concrete real-life situations. The course is aimed at professionals who need a working knowledge of mathematics.
Course content: Functions, limit and continuity, differentiation, applications of differentiation, antiderivative and integration, systems of linear equations, matrices, determinants, vector algebra and complex numbers.
For more information see http://www.ceatup.co.za/ under “Courses”. -
Special Topics of High School Mathematics for Teachers: This course will equip participants with further methodological knowledge and skills for presenting the Grade 12 mathematics curriculum to matriculants. Participants are trained in using the techniques that they are expected to use in their classrooms. On completion of the course, the participating teacher should have a sufficient content knowledge base and understanding of the academic and methodology aspects of successfully teaching mathematics in Grade 11and 12.
For more information see http://www.ceatup.co.za/ under “Courses”. -
Real Analysis for Business and Economics: Part I This course offers participants the opportunity and training to acquire a working knowledge of the concrete and abstract notion of distance, proximity, continuity, completeness, convergence and compactness, as well as the skill to apply this knowledge to mathematical models in business and economics.
Course content: The real line and the linear structure in higher dimensions, elementary topology and the topological aspects of convergence, completeness and compactness. Static models in economics and comparative statics, static optimisation. Applications to representing consumer preferences (utility function), to consumer theory, to equilibrium in a pure exchange economy.
For more information see http://www.ceatup.co.za/ under “Courses”.
Real Analysis for Business and Economics: Part II
Dynamical Systems with Applications to Economics: This course is aimed at professionals who need a working knowledge of dynamical systems and the ability to apply the mathematical theory to real-life models.
Brief description: Discrete and continuous dynamical systems in one and higher dimensions with applications to the analysis of models in economics. -
Dynamical Optimisation with Applications to Economics: This course is aimed at professionals who need a working knowledge of dynamic optimisation and the ability to apply the mathematical theory to real-life models. The course gives an introduction to the theory of dynamic optimisation and its application to models in economics.
Short Courses
Short course on Employee Assistance Programmes (EAP)
- To equip EAP-co-ordinators with the necessary knowledge and skills in order to promote the EAP in their work environments
Course structure and objectives:
Delegates should be able to:
- define and to contextualise the EAP;
- understand the rationale and functions of the EAP;
- know and apply the standards of an EAP;
- understand the role of the EAP-co-ordinator;
- distinguish between EAP and Organisational Development;
- know the EAP and the law;
- do supervisory training within EAP-context;
- understand the therapeutic component of the EAP;
- market the EAP and formulate a marketing plan;
- evaluate the EAP;
- design an evaluation procedure.
Scheduled dates for 2018:
3-6 April 2018
3-6 July 2018
2-5 October 2018
Port Elizabeth:
22-25 October 2018
Cape Town:
5-8 November 2018
19-22 November 2018
3-6 December 2018
Course leader:
Prof LS Terblanche
Tel: 012 420-3292
Fax: 012 420-2093
E-mail: lourie.terblanche@up.ac.za
Contact person:
Samedah Davis
E-mail: samedah.davis@enterprises.up.ac.za
Advanced short course on Employee Assistance Programmes (EAP)
- To provide delegates having a solid base in the EAP field, with advanced knowledge on the commercial components of the EAP. Delegates are equipped to focus on the business aspects of managing their EAPs.
Delegates should be able to:
- administer EAP administration;
- understand the business component of the EAP;
- apply different pricing models in the EAP field;
- design strategies for Return of Investment.
9-11 May 2018
10-12 October 2018
11-13 April 2018
Port Elizabeth:
14-16 November 2018
6-8 June 2018
East London:
21-23 November 2018
Cape Town
24-26 October 2018
Course leader:
Prof LS Terblanche
Tel: 012 420 3292
Fax: 012 420 2093
E-mail: lourie.terblance@up.ac.za
Contact person:
Sameda Davis
E-mail: sameda.davis@enterprises.up.ac.za
Short course on Employee Wellness
- To provide delegates with advanced knowledge on Employee Wellness Programmes. Delegates should have professional training and be tasked to promote wellness in the workplace.
After completion of this course, delegates would be able to:
- conduct a wellness survey;
- build a business case for wellness;
- gain management support;
- serve as a role model;
- integrate services and efforts; and
- monitor and celebrate success.
Prospective delegates should at least have a 3-year Bachelor’s degree or equivalent. Should these not be met, each individual case will be assessed on merit.
Scheduled dates for 2018
11-13 April 2018
17-19 October 2018
Course leader:
Prof LS Terblanche
Tel: 012 420 3292
Fax: 012 420 2093
E-mail: lourie.terblance@up.ac.za
Contact person:
Samedah Davis
E-mail: samedah.davis@enterprises.up.ac.za
Short course on Supervision in the Helping Professions
- To empower delegates, supervisors and potential supervisors – employed within non-government organisations, companies, public service departments or service-rendering organisations in the social service professions – with relevant knowledge, skills and attitude concerning supervision based on appropriate values in the helping professions
Delegates have to be professionally qualified to enrol for the short course certificate.
Scheduled dates for 2018:
To be announced.
Course leader:
Prof LS Terblanche
Tel: 012 420 3292
Fax: 012 420 2093
E-mail: lourie.terblance@up.ac.za
Contact person:
Samedah Davis
E-mail: samedah.davis@enterprises.up.ac.za
Short course in HIV and AIDS Counselling and Management (presented in conjunction with the Centre for the Study of AIDS, UP)
- To empower counsellors with knowledge and skills to intervene in the challenging field of HIV/AIDS
Course structure and objectives:
Delegates should be able to:
- demonstrate knowledge of the basic facts of HIV/AIDS;
- demonstrate knowledge and skill in pre- and post-test HIV-counselling;
- understand the concept of living positively;
- manage HIV/AIDS in the workplace;
- understand the psychosocial impact on those infected or affected by HIV/AIDS and the role of long-term counselling;
- demonstrate an understanding of the needs of a person at the “end of life” stage.
Scheduled dates for 2018:
To be announced.
Course leader:
Dr C L Carbonatto
Tel: 420-2410
Fax: 420-2093
E-mail: charlene.carbonatto@up.ac.za
Contact person:
Samedah Davis
E-mail: samedah.davis@enterprises.up.ac.za
Short course: Management and Administration in the Social Service Professions
- To provide delegates representing the social service professions with the necessary managerial skills.
Course structure and objectives
Delegates should be able to:
- understand the ethics of management;
- understand the managerial functions;
- compile and analyse reports in the context of social services;
Short Courses
Postgraduate Short Courses
CHILDREN’S LITERATURE (second semester)
Co-ordinators: Dr I Noomé, Prof MA Brown
Note: A B-degree is required. Admission is strictly at the discretion of the course co-ordinators.
A range of children’s literature is presented in this course. It discusses literature for and about children and covers the history of children’s literature, the application of theory to children’s literature, and the different kinds and modes of children’s literature, including the following: fairy tales, nursery rhymes, folk tales, fantasy, formula writing, fact parading as fiction and school stories, focusing on novels for children. It covers selected texts from the nineteenth to the twenty-first century.
Dr I Noomé
Department of English, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, 0002
Humanities Building, Room 16-29
Tel: 012 420 3379 or 012 420 2421
Fax: 012 420 5191
Email: idette.noome@up.ac.za
Prof MA Brown
Department of English, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, 0002
Human Sciences Building Room 16-14
Tel: 012 420 2421
Fax: 012 420 5191
Email: molly.brown@up.ac.za
Co-ordinator: Dr I Noomé
Note: A B-degree is required. Admission is strictly at the discretion of the course co-ordinator. An entrance test may be applied at the discretion of the course co-ordinator. Only a limited number of students can be accepted per year, and no additional students will be accepted after the course has already started. The course normally runs from the end of January to the end of June.
After a brief self-study revision of grammar, problem areas frequently found in South African writing are discussed. The structuring of argument, register and tone, and the division of material into sections are dealt with in greater detail, and are practised. Students are given practice in editing the language and argument structure of writers (micro-and macro-editing). The issues surrounding the Plain Language Movement are discussed, and students do some plain language editing. Upon request, they are briefly exposed to translation, with the focus on how to evaluate and edit translations, how to identify problems and how to solve them. The course is intended to practise the skill of using language as a tool to enhance and present information. The presentation is largely workshop-based, with a few guest lecturers who are experienced in the field. The types of texts used are as varied as possible to provide broad exposure to different kinds of editing, especially in South African conditions. Electronic editing is addressed.
The editing course also accommodates students doing the Publishing course with the Information Science Department. It is largely practical in nature.
The course is full for 2018, but if you are interested in joining for 2019, please email the course coordinator in good time – there is usually a waiting list from August for the following year.
Contact: Dr I Noomé
Department of English, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, 0002
Humanities Building Room 16-29
Tel: 012 420 3379 or 012 420 2421
Fax: 012 420 5191
Email: idette.noome@up.ac.za