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UJ Teaching Requirements

UJ Teaching Requirements

UJ Teaching Requirements, below is the information on the UJ Teaching Requirements.
PURPOSE:the University of Johannesburg (known colloquially as “UJ“) is a public university located in Johannesburg, South Africa. The University
The purpose of this Advanced Diploma in Remedial Education is to prepare teachers with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in order to develop as remedial teachers and learning support specialists. Students will develop specialised competence and evidence-based practices around the pedagogy and didactics of reme​dial education.
Target Group:

  • Teachers who wish to further their training and expertise as remedial teachers and learning support specialists.
  • Teachers from all phases, mainstream and special needs schools would benefit from this diploma.
  • District officials from the Department of Education who support learners requiring remedial education.



  • A four year Bachelor of Education degree  Or
  • A general NQF level 6 first degree or diploma, plus a 120C level 7 Advanced Diploma in Teaching  Or
  • A former 120C level 6 Postgraduate Certificate in Education  Or
  • A former Higher Diploma in Education (Undergraduate)  Or
  • A former Further Diploma in Education    Or
  • A former Advanced Certificate in Education (120C level 6)     Or
  • An Advanced Certificate in Teaching    Or
  • A former three year College of Education Diploma  followed by an Advanced Certificate in Teaching     Or
  • A National Professional Diploma in Education ( NPDE) ( 360C at level 5) followed by an Advanced Certificate in Teaching