Stellenbosch University Grade 9, There are various factors that play a role in the process of making a successful career choice. One of the first considerations is a realistic and informed subject choice for grades 10 to 12. A learner’s subject choice can have significant implications in terms of a future career. Often, there is lack of understanding regarding the important considerations that contribute to making the correct subject choice. In order to support learners in their subject choice process, Stellenbosch University’s Centre for Student Recruitment and Career Advice, offers professional subject choice guidance to grade 9 learners.
What does the service entail?An assessment includes a 4 hour psychometric assessment of personality, aptitude and interests, and a 1 hour individual feedback session, as well as a written report of the results and recommendations. Recommendations are made objectively, impartially and in line with the learner’s profile, as well as his/her school’s subject choice options’. The learner is also made aware of the impact that his/her choice may have on tertiary study programmes and/or careers.
Cost of the service: The cost is R2250 per client
Contact: [email protected] | 0218084709
Please note:
· We are open during school holidays· Assessments are done by appointment only· Other services (e.g. career counselling in schools, or special projects and/or workshops) can also be delivered. Costs will be determined by the nature of the project.
Subject choices for study at Stellenbosch University (Grade 9)
MEDICINE AND HEALTH SCIENCES | Medical doctor; dietician; physiotherapist; occupational therapist; speech-language therapist. | Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Life Sciences. |
AGRISCIENCES | Forest manager; food scientist; careers in animal and crop production; conservation ecologist; agricultural economist; winemaker; cellar manager; agronomist; careers in agri-tourism; general farming; consultant; teacher. | Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Life Sciences |
ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES | Human Resource Manager, sport scientist; information specialist; politician; psychologist; social worker; actor; theatre scientist; graphic designer; artist; civil servant; language practitioner; musician; journalist (postgraduate programme); project planner; teacher. | Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy (depends on choice of programme) |
ECONOMIC & MANAGEMENT SCIENCES | Chartered accountant; management accountant; financial accountant; actuary; economist; entrepreneur; investment manager; financial manager; marketing manager; human resource manager; logistics manager; risk manager; computer scientist (IT); Industrial psychologist; teacher. | Mathematics, Afrikaans or English |
EDUCATION | Teacher: foundation, intermediate or senior phase (R to 9); educational psychologist (to become a high-school teacher, you must first obtain a B degree with the subject(s) that you would like to teach and then the Postgraduate Certificate in Education(PGCE)). | Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy |
ENGINEERING | Chemical, civil, electric and electronic, mechanical, mechatronic, or industrial engineer. | Mathematics and Physical Sciences |
LAW | Advocate; lawyer; legal advisor. | Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy (depends on choice of programme) |
SCIENCE | Ecologist; physiologist; biochemist; microbiologist; biokenetics; sport scientist; psychologist; physicist; geologist; GIS specialist; teacher; computer scientist (IT); mathematical statistician. | Mathematics and Physical Sciences. Life Sciences strongly recommended if you wish to study a programme in Biological Sciences. |
THEOLOGY | Minister of religion; pastor; youth worker; pastoral therapist; careers in community development. | Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy |
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