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UWC Graduation


UWC Graduation, You must fulfil all requirements for your certificate/diploma/degree, in  order to graduate.

If you are uncertain, check now with the UWC Contact Centre (021 959 3900/01/02) .

Administrative errors do happen and the onus is on you to check that you fullfill all requirements.   


Where do I verify if I qualify for Graduation?

  • Verify whether you are scheduled to graduate by visiting the student portal.

What about my UNISA results?

  • If you are completing some outstanding credits through UNISA your results from UNISA must be submitted to your Faculty well in advance (at least one month prior) to the ceremony date.
  • Please consult your Faculty Office in this regard.

What if I have conditional matriculation exemption?

  • If you hold a certificate of conditional exemption, check with Student Adminstration whether you have met the conditions and if your exemption is still valid (a renewal is easily obtainable).
  • If you do not check this, you may not be able to graduate.​ 
  • Contact: Ms. M. October @ 021 959 2123

Where do we enter?

  • Guests enter through two of the demarcated main doors of the Great Hall.
  • Graduands enter through the third demarcated door. Ushers will be on hand to assist you. 

What time should my guests and I arrive at my ceremony?

  • Graduands and their guests must be seated in the Great Hall at least 30 minutes before the ceremony after which the doors will be closed in preparation for the entrance of the Academic Procession.
  • Guests arriving late will be accommodated after the address of the Vice-Chancellor and only if seats are still available.
  • Guests arriving after that will be accommodated in an alternate venue.
  • Graduands who arrive late will also be seated after the address of the Vice-Chancellor as their seats have been reserved.
  • Seating of ‘late-comers’ only take place once, after the speech of the Vice-Chancellor.

Where do we sit?

  • Reserved seats have been allocated for graduands.
  • Guests do not have reserved seats and will be requested to be seated in the Great Hall starting from the front of the hall. This is in order to minimise disturbance by ‘late-comers’.
  • Ushers will be on hand to assist both graduands and guests to their seats.

What do I do during the ceremony?

  • Graduands will be seated in the order that the names appear in the ceremony booklet.
  • Student Administration staff will assist students in readiness for walking across the stage.
  • Graduands are urged to have their name cards ready and their hoods slung over their left arms before ascending the stage. Graduands will be prompted by the Dean to hand over their name card which the Dean reads out.
  • The graduand then walks across the stage, pauses in front of the podium to be capped by the Chancellor, proceeds to the Registrar to be hooded, and proceeds out the side door to be photographed. 
  • Graduands then collect their degree from the certificate table, proceeds to the alumni table and thereafter return to their assigned seats.
  • When the Chancellor dissolves the congregation towards the end of the ceremony, all guests and graduates are requested to remain standing until the Chancellor leads the procession off the stage and exited the Great Hall.​