UJ Library
UJ Library, below is the information on the University of Johannesburg library.
Campus Libraries
Postal Address | Physical Address | Contact details | |
APB Auckland Park Bunting Road Campus Library |
P O Box 17011 Doornfontein Johannesburg 2028 |
Bunting Road Cottesloe Auckland Park Johannesburg |
27 11 559-1293 27 11 559-1296 (Fax) |
APK Auckland Park Kingsway Campus Library |
PO Box 524 Auckland Park Johannesburg 2006 |
Cnr Kingsway and University Road Auckland Park Johannesburg |
27 11 559-2171 27 11 726-7723 (Fax) |
DFC Doornfontein Campus Library |
P O Box 17011 Doornfontein Johannesburg 2028 |
37 Nind Street Doornfontein Johannesburg |
27 11 559-6752 27 11 559-6590 (Fax) |
FADA Faculty of Arts Design and Architecture Library |
P O Box 17011 Doornfontein Johannesburg 2028 |
Bunting Road Cottesloe Auckland Park Johannesburg |
27 11 559-1018 27 11 559-1676 (Fax) |
SWC Soweto Campus Library |
Private Bag X09 Bertsham Johannesburg 2013 |
Chris Hani Road, PowerPark Soweto Johannesburg |
27 11 559-5666 27 11 559-5673 (Fax) |
Library Hours
Term | March & September Recess | July and December Holidays |
Monday – Friday: 07:30 – 22:00 Saturday: 08:00 – 15:00 |
Monday – Friday: 07:30 – 22:00 Saturday: 08:00 – 15:00 |
Monday – Friday: 07:30 – 18:00 Saturday: 08:00 – 13:00 Saturday (January): 08:00 – 13:00 till term starts formally The Library closes on 15 December. |
24-Hour Study Facility – UJ Library
A 24-Hour Study Facility is available in the APK library, APB Library, DFC Library and SWC Library (not in the FADA Library)
The facility is open throughout the year. It is closed ONLY during the December holidays.
Exam Times: Saturdays
Extended hours from 08:00 till 18:00 in all libraries
Campus libraries are closed on public holidays.
Check notice boards at all campus libraries for changes to these hours.
For further enquiries please contact:
APK | Tebogo Mogakane | 011 559 2853 |
APB | Nomsa Mudau | 011 559 1382 |
SWC | Lucas Dlamini | 011 559 5214 |
DFC | Stanley Modau | 011 559 6327 |
FADA | Yvonne Bucwa | 011 559 1063 |
Principle of the free flow of information
1.1 The UJ Library is dedicated to the principle of the free flow of and equal access to information in support of teaching, learning, and research at the University.
The rules pertaining to the use of the UJ Library’s services and facilities are in the interest of protecting this fundamental right of all library clients.
1.2 The rules also serve to ensure the optimal use of the facilities, equipment and collections in the Library in the interest of all library clients. Thus any action by a client
which leads to the denial or restriction of reasonable availability of any facilities, equipment and collections of the UJ Library to other clients will be a breach of the rules
and subject to disciplinary measures as set forth by the University Management.
2 University rules
2.1 General university rules and regulations apply within all the Campus Libraries forming part of the UJ Library, in addition to the library rules listed below.
3 Membership
3.1 UJ Staff and registered students in possession of a valid University card qualify for membership of the UJ Library.
4 Access to facilities and services
4.1 Clients have access to all Campus Libraries on presentation of their own, valid university card.
4.2 Books are issued to clients on the presentation of their own valid university card.
4.3 Lost cards must immediately be reported in writing to the Team Leader: Lending Services at the Campus Library or to the Campus Librarian.
4.4 The cardholder is liable for all transactions for which his/her card is used.
5 Library hours
5.1 Library hours are revised annually and made available on the UJ Library web page. Campus libraries will be closed on public holidays.
6 Rules of conduct
6.1 Behaviour which disrupts the activities of the Library or impinges on the right to a quiet and orderly work and study environment of other library clients is not
6.2 Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the Library or within a seven meter radius of the Library entrance.
6.3 Books, other library materials, equipment or facilities may not be defaced, damaged or stolen.
6.4 Cell phones must be on silent in the library.
6.5 Use of the computers in the library is subject to time limits during peak usage periods. In addition, clients may NOT:
a) link any device to the network without the written approval of the Information Technology Division.
b) remove or exchange computer equipment without the written approval of the Information Technology Division.
c) change or extend network equipment without the written approval of the Information Technology Division
6.6 The UJ Library does not accept any liability for the loss of, or damage to, personal property
6.7 Security staff and Noise Monitors in the campus libraries are responsible for enforcing the Library Rules and Regulations and the right of admission to a
campus library may be withdrawn by the Campus Librarian if a client violates the Library rules.
7 Fines and bills
7.1 A fine will be imposed for the late return of library material. The rate will be revised annually.
7.2 No service will be provided to clients with outstanding fines or overdue library items on their account.
7.3 Students with outstanding fines or damaged or lost items billed against their account will not be able to do the following until all debts have been settled:
i. View their examination results
ii. Register the following year
iii. View or print their academic record
iv. Receive their graduation certificate
v. Access electronic databases
8.1 A client is responsible for damage to, or loss of, items issued to him/her, and is obliged to reimburse the library.
8.2. Clients may not intentionally or negligently destroy, damage or deface any building, furniture, equipment, books or other property owned or controlled by the University
or any other person.
9 Copying facilities and Copyright compliance
9.1 Photocopying facilities are available in Campus Libraries for photocopying portions of non-circulating material, subject to the requirements of the Copyright Act (no. 98
of 1978).
9.2 The UJ Library is not liable for contravention of the Copyright Act (no. 98 of 1978) by clients.
10 Theft and Related Transgressions
10.1 Clients may not – intentionally, negligently or without permission – remove any property of the University or any other person.
Executive Director: UJ Library
Prof. Maria Frahm-Arp
“My background is that of an academic. I was awarded my PhD in 2006 from the University of Warwick in the UK. My area of specialisation is Pentecostal Charismatic Churches in Southern Africa and I have written two books and several journal articles in this area.
“My leadership style is to empower and inspire people to be the best they can be. I like to work in a collegial and collaborative way because we all have different strengths and when we work together we are able to do amazing things. While I know very little about libraries I know a lot about what academics and students need from a library and I believe that if we pool our knowledge and learn from one another, we will