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UP Bursaries

UP Bursaries

UP Bursaries,


Bursaries and scholarships

Subtrop bursaries for students studying towards BSc(Agric) available:
The following bursaries are available:
The South African Avocado Growers’ Association (SAAGA) makes bursaries available to individuals from historically disadvantaged groups for studies to towards a BSc (Agric) or equivalent degrees majoring in Horticultural Science or Agricultural Economics / Agribusiness
To assist students wishing to pursue a career in the Subtropical fruit industry in South Africa.  To this end, financial assistance will be provided to students studying towards a BSc (Agric) degree, preferably majoring in Horticultural Science or Agricultural Economics.
Please contact Delané Landman at the South African Subtropical Growers’ Association on +27 15 307 3676/7 or send an email to:

Important Information on bursaries and loans

Financial need
If you are not at all able to pay university fees due to financial need APPLY NOW IN 2018 for financial aid for study in 2019, and submit the required supporting documents as evidence of this financial need which will be requested on the application system. The online financial aid application form will be active annually from 1 August, and you require a University of Pretoria student number (u00000000) to complete the form.
No loan or bursary is however guaranteed by the University of Pretoria.
APPLY on the University of Pretoria web page  between 1 August and 30 November 2018 for possible financial aid in 2019. When you apply online, remember to complete the process by pressing the SUBMIT BUTTON, before 30 November 2018..
Apply in the year BEFORE you study
You have to apply for financial aid during the year preceding your studies, irrespective of whether you have been admitted to study yet or not, to allow time for processing your financial aid application. Applications are received from 1 August till 30 November of the year prior to study. No late applications will be considered. All new first years for 2018 and current registered students must apply between  1 August 2018 and 30 November 2018 for possible financial aid in 2019.
Please do NOT assume that you will be awarded a bursary just because you applied. Various criteria have to be met and budgets are limited. Apply in time before 30 November and submit all the required supporting documents requested. Incomplete applications will not be processed and will thus not be considered for awards.
Thinking you do NOT need financial help?
Many students think they will not need financial aid, as they have promises for financial support from family, friends or institutions who give bursaries. However students then find that their home circumstances suddenly change, or their bursary promise or NSFAS loan fails to realise and they are then unable to pay for their studies. Students in final year are convinced they will graduate, but then fail to meet all the graduation requirements and need to register for another year. It is therefore VERY important to APPLY for financial aid on the University of Pretoria web page  between 1 August and 30 November 2018 for possible financial aid for 2019, as well as have a back-up financial plan in case this application is not successful.

UP Managed Bursaries

National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS)

Applications open Applications close Application website Contact information
1 August
of the year preceding studies
30 November
of the year preceding studies NSFAS Support
Tel: 0860 067 327

UP Sports Bursaries

Applications open Applications close Application website Contact information
1 June
of the year preceding studies
30 September
of the year preceding studies TuksSport Office
Tel: +27 (0)12 420 6060

Sport bursaries are available to sports achievers who obtained at least provincial colours in a specific range of sports during offered by UP, during their Grade 11 and/or Grade 12 year, and who will continue to actively participate in their sport for a UP club while studying at the University of Pretoria.
The bursary is only available to South African citizens, who are full time bona fide students of the University of Pretoria.
Successful applicants are required to sign a contract for the year in which the bursary is awarded.
Bursaries are awarded for one sport code per athlete

UP Support Bursaries

Applications open Applications close Application website Contact information
1 August
of the year preceding studies
30 November
of the year preceding studies UP Student Service Centre
Tel: +27 (0)12 420 3111
  • A limited number of bursaries are made available annually that were donated by external donors and placed under the management of UP. The bursaries are available to students who register for full-time study and who are financially needy and/or academically deserving. Students who are South African citizens or hold permanent residency in South Africa, may be considered for these bursaries.
  • Other bursaries/loans received by the applicant will be taken into consideration to determine financial need where applicable.
  • It is advisable that students who are financially needy should also apply for NSFAS funding and not only for UP support bursaries which are limited.
  • University support bursaries are not guaranteed and are subject to the availability of funds.
  • Special motivation or proof of meeting the criteria for some of the UP support bursaries has to be submitted as part of the application on the University’s online funding application system. These supporting documents will be indicated to you on the application system.

 The Funza Lushaka Bursary Programme (Teaching)

Applications open Applications close Application website Contact information
1  October
of the year preceding the commencement of studies
30 October
for returning students
15 December
for new students UP Student Service Centre at Groenkloof Campus
Tel: +27 (0)12 420 4216
  • The Funza Lushaka Bursary Programme is a multi-year programme that promotes teaching in public schools.
  • Students who are awarded Funza Lushaka bursaries will be required to commit themselves upon qualification to teach in public schools in terms of a service contract that will form part of the bursary agreement. Students who default on the agreement will be required to refund their bursary awards to NSFAS in terms of the agreement and according to the procedure determined by NSFAS.
  • The bursary is only awarded to South African citizens. The application will not be considered unless the applicant has a valid South African ID number.
  • Full-cost bursaries are available to enable eligible students to complete a full teaching qualification in an area of national priority.
  • The priority areas are:
    • Foundation phase (ie Grades R-3): Foundation phase specialisation
    • Intermediate and Senior Phase (Grades 4-9): A teaching major in one of the following:
    • African Languages; English Language; Mathematics; Natural Science; or Technology.
    • FET phase (Grades 10-12): A teaching major in one of the following:
      • Accounting; African Languages; Agricultural Sciences; Agricultural Technology; Civil Technology; Computer Applications Technology; Economics; Electrical Technology; Engineering Graphics and Design; English Language; Geography; Information Technology; Life Sciences; Mathematics; Mathematical Literacy; Mechanical Technology; or Physical Sciences.
  • The criteria for bursary awards are determined by the donor annually.

How to apply
You need to apply for admission to a teaching Qualification (BEd or PGCE) or a Bachelors degree (e.g BCom, BSc, BA) with at least one major course in a priority area and commit to follow this on with a PGCE teaching qualification. Once you gained admission at a University, you are required to apply for the bursary via
Note: Keep your UP student number as well as SA ID number, handy when applying.
Thuthuka Education Upliftment Fund


Applications open Applications close Application website Contact information
1 March
of Grade 12 year
30 April
of Grade 12 year Tel: +27 (0)11 621 6600

The Thuthuka Education Upliftment Fund is a successful multi-sector partnership between the private sector and various arms of government (Departments of Labour, Education, Science and Technology) aimed at ensuring disadvantaged youth with potential are able to become chartered accountants.
Requirements for application of the Thuthuka bursary

  • The learner must be an African or Coloured South African Citizen
  • The learner must obtain at least 60% for Mathematics at the end of Grade 11 to apply, NOT MATHS LITERACY.
  • The learner must be in Grade12 intending on studying BCom Accounting the following year to become a chartered accountant.
  • The learner must be financially needy, apply for NSFAS, and will be assessed using NSFAS MEANS TEST to confirm financial need.

The Process of Awarding a Bursary

  • The learner must have applied to or be in the process of applying to the University of Pretoria
  • Once the learner has met the above criteria they will be called in for testing, which may be followed by an interview. Provisional awards are made pending the final Grade 12 results.

Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) Bursary

Applications open Applications close Application website Contact information
1 June
of the year preceding studies
30 September
of the year preceding studies
(click Food Security and Agrarian Reform Branch, then Education Training & Extension, then Careers)
Ms Tshilidzi Netshilema
Tel: +27 (0)12 319 7848
Mr Looksharp Makaringi
Tel: +27 (0)12 319 7923

The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) introduced the DAFF External Bursary Scheme as a measure of recruiting young people to follow a career in agriculture, forestry and fisheries. Annually the DAFF recruits deserving young people from previously disadvantaged groups with good results in Mathematics and Physical Science to be worthy recipients of this bursary.

Department of Social Development Social Work Bursary

Applications open Applications close Application website Contact information
1 September
of the year preceding studies
31 October
of the year preceding studies Provincial Department of Health and Social Development in your province

Bursaries for those interested in studying social work are provided by the Department of Social Development, through your specific provincial office of this department. These bursaries have a work back condition – ie the student works for the Department of Social Development in his/her respective province for the number of years for which the student received the bursary.

Rural Education Access Programme (REAP)

Applications open Applications close Application website Contact information
1 September
of the learner’s grade 11 year of study
31 January
of the learner’s grade 12 year of study
Tel: +27 (0)21 696 5500

REAP assists students from poor rural communities in South Africa, calling on state mechanisms to assist financially needy rural students and also providing value added support to the students.

Studietrust Bursary

Applications open Applications close Application website Contact information
1 April
of the year preceding studies
31 August
downloadable forms
30 September
online applications
Tel: +27 (0)11 403 1632/3

This is a Christian NGO. The bursary gives preference to rural students that are studying a degree in agriculture, economics, teaching or engineering.

MasterCard Foundation Scholarship Programme

Applications open Applications close Application website Contact information
1 May
of the year preceding studies
15 September
of the year preceding studies
(International Students)
  • Citizens from African countries  who are first time applicants at UP as first year students
  • Study fields: Engineering, BCom – Accounting Sciences, BCom – Financial Sciences, BCom – Economics, BCom – Informatics, BCom – Agribusiness Management, BScAgric – Food Science and Technology, BScAgric – Agricultural Economics / Agribusiness Management, BScAgric – Animal Science, BScAgric – Plant Pathology, BScAgric – Applied Plant and Soil Sciences
  • Very specific criteria for eligibility exist so please get details from website.

External bursaries from other institutions

On the UP website, you can search for a list of some external companies and institutions that offer bursaries. Browsing the internet for  “South Africa” “bursary” and “your intended degree programme”  lists numerous companies that may offer bursaries.  Never pay for any website to send you information and do not provide private information to unknown parties.

After securing your own external bursary

If you have secured your own external bursary from a company or institution you need to bring this to our attention. In order for the University to capture this external bursary information and where applicable, waive the requirement to pay the initial registration fee in order to register, you must submit written proof of the bursary/bursaries awarded to you, prior to or during registration at the Student Service Centre.

The proof of bursary must be on an official letterhead, signed by the bursar/donor, and must confirm the total amount of the bursary granted to you and must also indicate what the bursary amount covers (eg tuition fees, residence, meals, text books, etc). A Bursary Form is available in the Student Service Centre or can be downloaded from the UP web page, which can assist external institutions in clearly specifying the detail of the bursary they are offering the student.  This Bursary Form however must be submitted together with the proof of a bursary on the official letterhead of the bursar/donor.

The Bursary Register

A private company also publishes The Bursary Register. Prospective and registered students may purchase The Bursary Register at their own cost. This booklet provides information on everything you need to know about bursaries, scholarships and loans in South Africa. Please note that The Bursary Register does not provide application forms as each bursary indicates its own method of application and it is not a product of the University of Pretoria.

Contact information

The Bursary Register

Tel:                                         +27 (0)11 672 6559


Postal address:                       PO Box 178, Florida Hills 1716