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Transport Information UCT

Transport and parking

UCT has its own bus service called the Jammie Shuttle. This, along with a range of public and private transport options, will help you get around campus and the city.



  • The Jammie Shuttle service is available to students and staff (if you show your staff or student card) and runs weekdays, weekends and holidays both during term time and over vacations. It includes a late-night service.
    View route maps and timetables on the staff and students sites.
  • Golden Arrow buses are easily accessible from Main Road, Rondebosch, and the Jammie Shuttle stops in Claremont and Mowbray.
    View fares, timetables and routes.
  • MyCiTi integrates with the Jammie Shuttle at the Gardens station in Buitenkant Street. From here you can travel to:
    • the city centre
    • Vredehoek
    • Oranjezicht
    • Salt River
    • Woodstock
    • Table View
    • Century City
    • the West Coast
    • Khayelitsha
    • Mitchells Plain
    • Llandudno
    • Hout Bay.

    View routes of the feeder services in these areas.

Minibus taxis

Minibus taxis pick up and drop off passengers along virtually every main route in the city. The Mowbray and Claremont Jammie Shuttle stops are a few steps away from minibus taxi hubs, and there are multiple stops near some UCT residences.


Cape Town’s rail service fans out across the city. The southern line stops at Mowbray, Observatory, Rosebank and Rondebosch stations – all within walking distance of UCT’s lower, middle and upper campuses.
View fare details and timetables.

Driving in

Staff and students can apply for a parking disk with UCT’s traffic administration.
If you drive more than one car you can apply for duplicate disks, but you are only allowed to have one car on campus at any one time.
Disabled parking disks are available through the Disability Service. For more information, visit the staff or students sites.
First-year students aren’t allowed to bring cars on to campus, but you can apply to park at Rhodes Memorial, which is just a short walk away.



The Ridelink carpooling system tries to decrease single-person car usage at UCT. Run through Vula, the system helps students and staff find lifts to campus. Once your details are on the database, the system will find people with matching schedules at the click of a button. Find out more about Ridelink.
Carpooling travellers can use the P4 carpool parking lot on upper campus if 3 or more student or staff cards are swiped at the boom within 10 seconds of the first swipe. The car must have a valid UCT parking disc.

Motorbikes, scooters and bicycles

First-years are allowed to bring motorbikes or scooters onto campus as long as they buy the correct parking disc from traffic administration.
UCT’s cycle routes encourage non-motorised access to campus. The routes follow paths that are the safest and the easiest to cycle.
Bike parking racks, where bikes can be securely locked, have been installed around the campus, especially at transport hubs.
Jammie Bike rents bicycles for travel to campus. There are 200 bicycles, branded with the Jammie Bike logo, up for lease on an annual basis. Find out more about Jammie Bikes on the staff or students sites.

Your own two feet

It’s easiest to get around UCT on foot. If you’re on campus after dark, walk in a group and stick to the official foot routes – they have emergency points so that you can call Campus Protection Services (CPS) if you need help.
You can also call CPS on 021 650 2222/3 for an escort within UCT premises.

Cape Town International Airport is the closest national airport.
We recommend the following:
Citi Shuttles 021 555 2880
R320 for the first 2 passengers, and R50 per person thereafter to a max of 6 passengers. If a bigger vehicle is required then is becomes R420 for the first 2 passengers and R50 per person thereafter.
Inflight shuttles 082 7970483
R300 for the first 2 passengers and R50 per person thereafter, up to 6 passengers.
Shuttle Up 072 246 4592
R380 for the first person, and thereafter R50 per person
Bettina Shuttle Service 021 887 0702
R300 per student (with student card)
R350 per person pvt
Go Tours 072 368 3455
R490 per vehicle and R50 per person. They have a variety of different vehicle sizes.
Future Exclusive Travel 021 887 3255 or sms 083 962 3267 with flight details, no of passengers etc
R380 per person